3 types of Email Marketing that every Shopify E-Commerce store must use

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Retailers need to know how to connect with customers as the digital landscape of e-commerce becomes more competitive. What is one of their most effective tools? E-commerce email marketing. Personalization and automation are possible with platforms such as Shopify Mail, Klaviyo and Shopify Mail. Not all ecommerce emails are the same. We'll look at the three main types of email marketing for e-commerce that every Shopify owner should use.

1. Transactional emails

What are Transactional emails?

These automated emails are sent as a response to an action taken by a website user. These emails are essential to good customer service and can improve the user's experience.


Emails sent as transactional messages are often opened at high rates. This makes them an excellent opportunity for cross-selling related products and loyalty programs.


Confirmation of Order: This is sent immediately following a transaction to confirm it. The customer can rest assured that their order will be processed.

Notifications of Shipping: Inform customers when they are on their way, often includes tracking information.

2. Promotional Emails

What are Promotionalemails?

Promotional emails are designed to increase sales and brand awareness by attracting recipients with exclusive offers, product launches or new content.


hese emails can be highly personalised based on the user's behaviour. This ensures that promotions are aligned closely with recipient interests and past shopping habits.


Sales & Discounts Announce sales and discounts across the store.

Launching New Products: Create excitement around the launch of new products.

Subscriber's Only Offers Reward loyal customers by offering them special offers they can only find on your website.

3. Lifecycle Emails or Behaviour-Based Emails

What are Behavioural emails?

A set of emails that are sent in response to specific behaviours or milestones during a client's relationship with your company.


These emails can potentially increase customer lifetime value and improve retention. They grow brand engagement and loyalty by addressing the specific touchpoints of a customer journey.


Cart abandonment reminders: Reminds customers to complete their purchase if they have added items to the cart.

Campaigns for Re-engagement: Aims to rekindle interest in users who have not recently interacted with a brand.

Follow up after purchase: Request reviews, recommend complementary products or thank the customer for their purchase.

In Summary

Generic, "one-size-fits-all" emails are no longer acceptable in today's world of e-commerce. Retailers must use a combination of promotional, transactional and lifecycle email, all tailored to the audience's behaviour and preferences, to stand out. This task is made more accessible by platforms like Klaviyo or Shopify Mail, which offer advanced tools for segmentation and personalised emails.

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